Thursday, January 27, 2011

NEW NEWS: Baby Reid's Bday Story

I want to start this post with:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight"
(my theme verse for the past week)

So Sean and I have been battling with a very important decision this past week. Last Wednesday we saw my GI specialist to check up on my Crohn's disease. Everything went well, but as we were there, I inquired about what complications could occur if I delivered vaginally. She said that because my disease is in remission, I most likely would be ok. But as we talked longer, she went over some very serious complications that could happen in result to pushing for too long or tearing too much. The complications would result in multiple surgeries to fix me down there (don't want to be too graphic).
On Thursday, we saw our OB-GYN and she suggested that if I did not want to risk any of those complications - it would be more safe to schedule a c-section. I have been crying on and off everyday since, because I really wanted the "birth experience". Sean and I went through 6 weeks of Lamaze and we were both excited to do it together as a team! Our labor and post-partum bags have been packed anxiously awaiting my body to go into labor.
Well all in all, I began to seek out other professional opinions and continued to pray.. As the days have gone by- each perinatologist I have asked and other doctors- all have said C-Section without hesitation.
So it was up to me.. I had to trust that God was hearing my prayers and that he continued to bring people in my life to give me clarity. It has been a hard few days to wrap my mind around it. I so desperately wanted to have a natural birth and for me that is just not what is best. I have to do what is best for Reid and my own heath and future health.
I feel like there is such a "stigma" for women that have C-sections. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do and that has been so hard for me to cope with.
I have to keep reminding myself that God has blessed me so much already. The fact that I was able to conceive so fast and then carry him full term without ANY complications to me or him has been a PURE MIRACLE! So I have to trust that this is all a part of his Perfect plan!
Also it doesn't matter how the baby comes out, as long as mom and baby are healthy- that is the most important. Right??Well.. after all that saga.. the date for baby Reid's Birthday is:
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 2011 at 930 am.
We would so appreciate all your prayers that everything goes well and that my recovery isn't too horrendous.

We will be delivering at Kaiser Zion- visitors are more than welcome but please try to contact Sean before you come.
Thank you for all your love and support thus far. We cannot be more overjoyed knowing our son will be here in ONE week!


cole1230 said...

wow, girl. i just finished reading your blog. I know how are feeling i dont care who knows now but I too have to trust in God in provinding a way to concieve a baby cuz i only have one ovary now; when i returned to Point Loma in 04 I was recovering from surhery. I totally undrstand about this.I too want babies. I will TOTALLY BE PRAYING FOR YOU GUYS.Send me your address PLEASE . i LOVE YOU BOTH. BRIANNE you have been such a blessing in my life.


Kelli Murray said...

I will be praying for you Brianne. You will do great. xo -Kelli

Jenifer said...

Brianne, you have no clue who I am - but I live in Amarillo, TX and came across your blog through another blog. Needless to say, I too have crohns and my sister has crohns. I have given birth vaginally once already and had no complications, but my sister on the other hand is still having lots of problems because she delivered vaginally 4 years ago. You are absolutely making the right decision. Ashley, my sister has had numerous surgeries and sadly is still having to deal with it. Just thought I would let you know that you are on the right path. I will tell you that both of us had flare ups right after our kids were born, but nothing major.

Allyson Baker said...

Less than a week away...I am so excited for you. I can see how making this decision must have been so humbling, but i think it is buy far the best decision. We will be praying you both.

Unknown said...

Brianne and Sean....What a burden lifted! I, too, will be praying for y'all and Reid's B-Day on the 3rd...You've made the right decision. I was amazed that Jennifer (Amarillo, TX) sent you such a warm and supportive message. And so it goes with the power of prayer. You are not in this great event in your lives alone...With your family and friends and the help of God you and Reid will be just fine. Love all three of you! Grampa RK

cole1230 said...

praying for you guys