Last weekend we headed up to San Clemente to celebrate my brother's birthday. It ended up being a very cloudy grey day, but that didnt stop us in having a beach day. The kids LOVED playing in the water with their "king tio" aka Uncle Christopher and also with their uncle seanny. They both adore their uncles. Probably because they were the only ones that would go in the frigid water. It was so fun just to hang all day up there. Sean and I had crepes at the creperie, walked the pier, met up with the fam, played boche ball, ate pizza port and finished the day with baskin robbins ice cream. It was a perfect family day and Reid did sooo good all day. Here are some pics from the day.
A couple weeks ago, Sean took some pictures of me and Reid. I started getting sad because he was 2 months old and I only had a couple snapshots with my babe. So I made Sean do a quick little shoot with me and my little man. I cant believe how much he has changed since day one. I don't recognize the change day to day, but looking back to the "birth" day photos, its crazy how much babies change in their looks in the first few months. I have enjoyed every moment. I will be honest and say it has been very exhausting. Weeks 3-5 almost killed me :) But we got through them and since week 6 he has been sleeping much better at night which makes a world of difference. It has been so fun learning the things he likes and doesn't like. Being a mom is one of the most incredible gifts I have yet experienced. There are really no words to describe this incredible role God has allowed me to play in Reid's life. I am looking forward to celebrating my first Mother's day this May. Gosh, once you become a mom you realize how amazing your own mom is. I am so grateful for my mom and only hope to be as incredible to our kids. If you are a mom, take some extra time this week and just watch your child and pray over them that they would one day love others as Christ loved the church. Kiss them and hug them abundantly this week- making sure they know how much you love them.
p.s- I tried editing all these photos on my own.. so they aren't quite as good as the hub, but I wanted to post them so I took it upon myself :) I'm still learning.
When Reid was almost 3 weeks old- we took a few more pictures of him in his very cute hand knitted aviator hat and diaper cover. I bought it on Etsy before he was born, imagining his little body in it. I fell in love with it! It was a bit pricey, but worth it when we captured these adorable pictures. He again didnt love taking pictures so it was an actual miracle we captured these.